
Welcome to Spacestampcollector.

The purpose with this page is to gather all the stamps, fdc´s, exhibitionsheets, commemoratives etc in one place. To do so I need your help.

1) I use the Michel-catalogues as a reference.  
2) If you  have one or several stamps (mint or cancelled), fdc´s etc. that are not listed, you can scan it as a JPEG-file on a grey background. If possible write the Michel#.
3) If you have a favourite stamp or two feel free to write a few lines about it and send it to me and I´ll add the text to the stamp. Remember to write the Michel#. If you don´t know the number you can send me a scan of the stamp.
4) If you notice any errors or overlooked stamps don´t hesitate to write. Remember to write the Michel# if possible.

You may use the form below, or send me an email on: